Thursday, January 25, 2018

January, you old fooler!

Old man winter has not lost his teeth yet; it is, after all, only the end of January.  But on a day like today he can almost fool me into thinking we've seen the worst of his tricks.  The sun is definitely higher now at noon than it was a month ago.  I looked out the kitchen window and behold, the grass was looking absolutely green!  Needing an excuse to neglect inside chores, I grabbed the egg basket and went outdoors.  Ten eggs (so far) and then from the hen house to the creek trail is only a few steps.

The big bluestem is almost without seed heads now, stripped by birds and wind.  Perhaps this is why I love neutral colors rather than bold bright ones.  Prairie beauty is so subtle.  Except for the skies, that is.  Those sunrises and sunsets are gloriously colorful.

Okay, forget what I said about subtle. 

The creek crossing is shallow but flowing with plenty of water from field drainage.

Close to the ground, new growth!

Now is that green or is it green?  Looks green to me.

Reality check.  On my rambles I am still finding and picking up detritus from the tenants.

And on the woodpile, the fresh green of moss.  I took a class in nonvascular botany in college and have always been fascinated by moss, algae and lichens.  

Our newest farm acquisition.  We've needed a small trailer for hauling two sheep or two dogs.  This one is perfect!  Needs a lick of paint is all.

 This orchid has been blooming for months and is still sending out new buds.  Orchids have always loved these south windows in winter.  I think we should say "fresh as an orchid" instead of a daisy.

In the other south window the Carolina jasmine has opened its first blossom.  

One of the joys of retirement is having the time to reflect on and be aware of all the daily beauties.  God surrounds us with constant reminders of his presence, grace and creativity.

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