Friday, April 29, 2016

The dust is settling

It was a week ago today that the moving van came and unloaded.  We spent the week unpacking and unpacking and unpacking some more.  At times it felt hopeless.  Tonight however, the books are almost all on the shelves, the china is in the cabinet, the kitchen is organized and functional (I baked my first loaves of bread this afternoon - a milestone!), the living room is settled and Pete's office is also functional. The boxes are broken down and the packing paper burned.  There are still quite a few boxes in the basement, storing things until we get some projects done.  We've even consulted with a number of people about getting the final renovation projects started.  It feels like we've gotten over some major hurdles.  What it DOESN'T feel like, though, is retirement!   It's been a crazy three weeks.

Weather-wise, it's been chilly and overcast with some rain - a real change from sunny SoCal but a welcome change and good weather for unpacking - we weren't tempted to work on outside projects instead.  My fingers are itching to get to the garden but first we have to get it tilled up - another big hurdle.  As soon as I find the box with the peat pots in it, I'll get my tomato seeds planted! 

It's fun sharing the house with Anne and Kenji.  They are busy with school and work (and are the early birds, out the door by 4:30am!) but we manage to share some time, laughs and a meal together daily, trading off cooking duties.  The chickens have been allowed outside during the day now and have been busy hunting worms after these rains.  The great horned owls seem to have departed for the time being.  One afternoon I took a break and walked out to the creek and I surprised a muskrat on the opposite bank.  He didn't know what to make of me so he slipped into the water and glided away downstream. They are shy creatures and it was a treat to see one.  There's a whole lot of life going on around here that we aren't aware of!

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